I really have to say being a Mom is the hardest job ever. There is
not one Mom that knew what she was signing up for when she decided to
become a mom. No one can ever be prepared for the emotions and the
immediate love you feel when you find out your going to be a mom. It
always comes as a surprise how much you love this baby or child. It
doesn't matter if its your first or your tenth, by means of another mom ,
or if you carried the child in your womb for 9 months, your heart will
open up and love them more than imaginable. The emotions that God puts
in a Mother's heart are overwhelming.
Being a Mom will
bring you the extreme of emotions. You will feel happiness, joy,
frustration, love, pride, anger, disappointment, sadness, and so many
more emotions to depths that you never thought possible. Your child is
the one person you would give up your life for and not even think about,
you would rather be ran over by a mac truck than have your child get a
scrape on the knee. When your child's heart breaks, your heart breaks
and you automatically go into the "momma bear" mode, you will fight to
the bitter end of the battle. If someone hurts your child you want to
rip their eyeballs out.
Moms are the toughest people
there are. We fight the battles, love like no other, stay up for days
on ends when our kids are sick, love like no other, support and
encourage our kids even when no one else thinks there is a chance, we
cry with them, and we always doubt ourselves and feel we can or could
have done better. We get the credit or the blame for almost everything
good or bad. There is more learning experiences in a mom's day than we
can count.
I want to say to all mom's today, you are a
great Mom. The sacrifices you make are noticed by your children even if
nothing is said. Your child loves you and you can never be replaced.
Being a mom is hard work and under appreciated at least you feel that
way but your child knows in his heart what you do for him/her.
To my mom: Thank you! I know we don't always get a long but I
do notice and appreciate all you do for me and for always being there
for me.
To my kids
Bryan, God only gave you to me for a limited time. You taught me
to love unconditionally, to find the positive in all situation and you
taught me how a deep a child's love is for a mom. Thank you for being
such a willing guinea pig. I love you! You left a huge hole in my heart that won't be filled
Krystal, my sweet sweet girl. You teach
me something new everyday. Your loyalty and compassion you have
astounds me. You are my sunshine! Thank you for supporting me and
walking through life with me. I don't think I would have made it if I
couldn't see your smile and hear you say I love you just to hear me say
What do you want?
my logical one. You teach me something everyday usually I don't even
know what I am learning until later and can spill all the info you have
given me. There is not a computer or program you can't figure out I love
your tenacity Thank you for letting me be your Mom
My tender hearted fraidy cat. Your imagination and creativity amaze
me. You are so talented. You are so sweet. Thanks for being so