One of her biggest obstacles was funding. In the beginning of January she only had $400/3500. The end of January she had just enough to buy her ticket. She asked me if she should and me being a logical mom I said "no way. You need to have at least some money for the mission." She bought her ticket anyway. She kept telling me to trust God he would provide. Not easy for a parent to do when it deals with the safety and health of your child. She then got just enough to pay for her immunizations. Still nothing for when she was there or to pay for the mission itself. I was one nervous mom. She went to her collage and career group and received $91. Mind you this is Thursday and she leaves on Tuesday. She doesn't have enough to even pay for her visa and get to the DTS base. Sunday came around, God put a peace I. My heart and I knew everything would work out. She got a $500 donation. At least she could get to the base and pay for visa.
She left on Tuesday morning not knowing how she would pay the rest. Thursday I found out she had another $900 donated with some people committing to a monthly donation. God is so good. I am in awe of how He always comes through. As usual He waited for the 11th hour but he came through.
I am so excited to hear her adventures and how God will use her. Everyone says the parents are to teach the kids. My kids have taught me far more than I think I taught them. Krystal is such an inspiration. She showed if God is for you no one can be against you. To keep your focus on Jesus and not your circumstances.